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Charlestown LGFA Notice of AGM 2020

Dear Players, Parents and Members,

Charlestown LGFA’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday 13th December at 3.30pm. Due to Covid the AGM will be held online via MS Teams. Further details will be provided closer to the date on how to access the system. In the interim, if you wish to attend please email charlestown.mayo@lgfa.ie so I can send you a link closer to the date.

Charlestown LGFA are accepting nominations for a number of important officer positions to be filled. The most important being Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and PRO. We are currently only 5 members on the committee and in order for us to grow this club for the females in our area, we really need you to get involved. We would like to see more men involved as it’s always important to have a balanced view.

As the club grows in numbers yearly, we ultimately want to promote the participation and growth of women in sport. Help us achieve this goal by getting involved!

If there are any motions to be brought forward a form is attached for this. Nomination and Motion forms are available in hard copy and electronically. These should be filled in and returned to Club Secretary no later than 6th December 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on the below details if you have any questions or queries.

Nomination Form: https://forms.gle/8AX16o6Va1uE4oGb9

Motion Form: https://forms.gle/4muAQfmNGCxWp7yM6


Nora McGovern
Charlestown LGFA Secretary

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