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Aidan Horkan R.I.P.

The Charlestown Sarsfields G.A.A. Club were saddened to hear of the passing of Aidan Horkan over the weekend. Aidan or ‘Teddy’ as he was affectionately known was a good man in every sense of the word who has been taken far too soon. He was a gem of a lad who had many great qualities with his sense of decency, generosity of spirit, kindness, wit and humour among his finest. Time spent in his company was never wasted and he brightened up many a day with a funny quip or a story which rendered many of us to tears of laughter. He leaves a rich legacy which his family and all of us who were privileged to have known him will cherish for the rest of our days. We extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved and are thinking of his family over the days and weeks to come…..May he rest in peace

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